Quality Jamaican Coffee Beans

Jamaican coffee beans are one of the world's most expensive coffee beans and are very popular for their taste which lacks the usual bitterness of coffee. Coffee in Jamaica comes from many different type of beans but, the most popular being the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee which is a blend with un-matched quality.

Jablum Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, Ground, 16 oz bag

Types Of Jamaican Coffee

Jamaican coffee are classified into various types depending on the growth elevation and the area of growth. But of specific importance are these three types:

  • Coffee that is grown below 1,500 feet elevation is known as Jamaica Low Mountain or Jamaica Supreme.

  • Coffee grown between 1,500 and 3,000 feet of elevations are known as Jamaica High Mountain blend.

  • And those coffee that are grown between 3,000 and 5,500 feet is known as the Jamaica Blue Mountain and carries the Jablum seal.

All the coffee grown on the Blue Mountains are classified as Jamaica Blue Mountain, those grown in the areas of Manchester, St. Catherine, St. Elizabeth, St. Ann and Clarendon are classified as Jamaica Prime.

Jamaica Prime is cultivated in lower altitudes as compared to that of the Blue Mountain. Both varieties have coffee boards that regulate the processing standards and quality of the coffee beans.

Apart from this, the Blue Mountain coffee is further sub categorized into five different types based on the size of the coffee beans. They are classified as Blue Mountain #1, Blue Mountain #2, Blue Mountain #3, Blue Mountain Peaberry and Blue Mountain Triage.

All of the above types contain specific sizes of coffee beans except for Blue Mountain Triage which is the mixture of beans of the other four sizes.

While these three types are based on the elevation of area of growth of the coffee plant, there are also classification based on the area of growth. So check out these other brands of Jamaican coffee and see which taste you prefer.

Processing Of Jamaican Coffee Beans

After the beans are reaped, they are processed by the wet parchment method which is practiced in very few countries around the world.

The beans that are reaped is pulped and then washed as the first of the many steps. This resulting wet parchment is then dried, cured and sorted to obtain desired results.

The wet parchment is allowed to sit for a period of six weeks to maintain consistency.  Jamaica is one of the few countries where this kind of wet parchment processing is still being used as a sitting method.

The coffee that is obtained after the wet parchment processing then undergoes various other quality control measures so as to produce the highest quality of Jamaican coffee beans.

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